The default setup of medics easy does not include online appointment booking at this time. If you require online appointment booking for your Patients, please contact our Help Desk and we will be glad to enable that for you.
To book a new appointment, navigate to the Appointment Booking section, select the desired date, time, and healthcare provider, and then fill in the patient details.
Yes, you can reschedule appointments by selecting the appointment from the list and choosing a new date and time.
Yes, there's a feature to view all scheduled appointments, which can be accessed from the main appointment booking page.
To cancel an appointment, select the appointment from the list and use the cancel option.
Yes, there's a search functionality that allows you to find appointments using the patient's name.
For a new patient, enter the patient's details in the new patient section while booking the appointment.
Yes, you can view the availability of doctors when scheduling an appointment.
You can view past appointments, accessible from the Patient records section.
For walk-in appointments, use the quick booking feature, which allows for immediate scheduling without prior arrangements.